college life christian fellowship
College Life Christian Fellowship is a College Ministry on the UC Davis campus whose aim is to take college-aged people from all spiritual starting points and help them become complete and equipped agents of King Jesus. We are a hospitable, passionate, hilarious, and intellectually-curious group. We believe God loves this world, loves this university campus, and loves you – so we fiercely love too. We take the scriptures serious, we take your frustrations serious, but we don’t always take ourselves that serious. Spend some time among us and you will see what we mean.
Lonely? You are not Alone
The data is clear — and troubling. Loneliness is more than just an unfortunate social experience. In fact, the former Surgeon General of the United States has called it an epidemic. Study after study says that Gen-Z reports the highest levels of loneliness compared to other generations.
At College Life we don’t just aim to just tackle the “spiritual” stuff. Sure, we take that seriously, but you are a beautiful and complex person who is living in a world that is bent toward your loneliness. So through gatherings, retreats, shared meals, and playing together, we aim to be a voice in the wilderness proclaiming, “it doesn’t have to be this way!”

Tuesday Nights
During the school year on Tuesdays at 8:00pm, the whole College Life community gathers on the UC Davis campus. Following Jesus Christ, or figuring out if that’s what you want to do, is a splendidly difficult way to live, and we can’t do it alone. This is why we look forward to Tuesday night every week, where we are greeted by hugs, laughter, and good conversation. Together, as a body of Christ, we interact with a God of love who is eager to meet and transform us as we encounter Him and study the Scriptures.
Small Groups
On top of our Tuesday gathering, our UC Davis Christian fellowship meets throughout the week in smaller groups called Growth Groups. We believe there is power in gathering with a group of people committed to Jesus, committed to honesty, and committed to each other. In Growth Group we celebrate each other, build lifelong friendships, and go beyond small talk to explore what it means to follow Jesus Christ through the real stuff of life. To fit within your busy schedule, we meet both on and off campus on different days of the week.

If you’re familiar with the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, then you actually already get retreats. Retreats are the wardrobe you can walk through to become immersed in the College Life community, and every year we offer four retreats each school year: fall, spring, freshmen and Scripture. During fall and spring retreats the entire fellowship spends intentional time away, while freshmen retreat provides first year college students with an intimate setting in which they can bond with their classmates and leaders. On Scripture Retreat, we broaden the horizons of what it means to study the Bible, providing students with a variety of tools to interact with the Scriptures in new and exciting ways. Life is good on the other side of the wardrobe— we hope you’ll join us there!
Still have questions? We can help!
College Life is the UC Davis College Ministry of First Baptist Church of Davis. Many of us gather at FBC on Sunday mornings. FBC has been eagerly embracing college students for over forty years so they’ve gotten pretty good at it. We keep them young, and shower us with wisdom… plus sometimes they cook, host us, and even do laundry ! If the term “Baptist” scares you, don’t let it. Even though some of the most annoying religious voices claim the name Baptist, FBC is open to all sorts of believers, even those who don’t believe. There is no creedal litmus test for belonging. We’d love to give you a ride to church!
Our large groups – marked by honest worship, deep thought, robust laughter, and warm hospitality – are aimed at interacting with and entering into a story much more ancient than our own: one and one, we believe, has the power to transform our lives. On Tuesday nights we gather together on campus to worship God by singing, learning from the Scriptures, and supporting one another through the messy and mundane. Our speakers’ diverse voices explore the intersection between the ancient Scriptures and the world of an undergraduate, with all its tensions, beauties, and complexities. We lean into joy while making room for the messiness of life. You can bring your full self to a Tuesday night— doubts and questions, hopes and desires, and even the deep, dark, unpleasant stuff. When you do, you’ll find a group of people eager to love and support you.
We get it. The arena of spirituality and religion is a vast one – with tons of big questions. This is why we say that College Life is for Jesus-followers and spiritual investigators alike. We don’t run from questions about God, spirituality, the church, and Christianity— we welcome them, and we hope we can provide a safe space as you navigate your own spiritual and intellectual journey. Of course, diversity is never without conflict. And we are well aware that encouraging people from all walks of life and theological traditions to be a part of our community will create many bumps in the road. We believe God loves you, and we strive to embody that love. If you would feel more comfortable addressing your questions to a pastor or a leader, contact us. We would love to grab a coffee — or whatever treat you fancy — and chat it through.
College rules – but sometimes schedules suck. A pesky class or lab might get in the way of coming to Tuesday night or Growth Group. While you can’t catch the latest episode of College Life on Hulu (yet!), there’s still a place for you. We are a community of people trying to follow Jesus and we do so in every aspect of our lives – in worshipping together, in studying the Scriptures together, and in praying together but also in celebrating together, in laughing together, and in eating together. We rejoice in having a weekly rhythm that takes seriously the totality of a life following Jesus Christ which extends beyond classic “church-y” activities. See our Events page for our weekly rhythm and upcoming events. Don’t want to show up alone? Find one of the leaders on the Leaders tab, text them, and have them join you! It will make their day.
Absolutely. Find a leader and text them. Peter Nittler, the College Pastor, who loves food and new friends, would love to combine those two interests at 3rd and U right next to campus, or Ali Baba’s for breakfast burritos (any time of day!)
If large groups aren’t your thing, there’s a couple great options for you. First, consider starting with a Growth Group before braving the larger group setting. Second, if you want to see what a Tuesday Night is like, here’s a plan that might make it feel more manageable; Arrive to the lecture hall a bit early before the crowd builds, say hello to the smiling-face at the Welcome Table ready to answer any questions and give you a gift, then feel free to come into the quieter space inside the lecture hall while people mingle outside. Afterwards, we might head off to get some tasty treats; maybe the walk, bike ride, or drive with a few people could be a good way to make a big community feel smaller.
Questions about sexuality and identity have become one of the biggest questions of our day and too many people have been hurt, marginalized, and left behind because of the church’s answer to this question. The fundamental flaw in the discourse has been a concentration on “theology” rather than “people.” In as much as the theology is important, College Life has a diversity of opinions – and we consider that to be a sign of health. But there is strong unity at College Life in that we are excited to meet, worship with, befriend, pray with, and love every single person who walks into our fellowship.
Your sexual orientation and/or gender identity are not prerequisites to belonging in the College Life community – nor are they barriers to a relationship with King Jesus. You are welcome here.
There are many great campus ministries and Christian groups at UC Davis. We are honored that you would consider spending time with us as we explore God together.